Samudra All-Trust Assemblies

Together, we tackle complex, compounding, and interconnected topics.

AI for Improving Sustainability - Fostering Culture Across Virtual and Hybrid Modes - Leadership Skills When Driving Digital Transformation - Impacts of Emerging Technologies

Today's toughest challenges require diverse perspectives, deep expertise, and a platform to exchange ideas in productive ways.

The Samudra All-Trust Assemblies integrate executive viewpoints from all parts of the Samudra ecosystem in order to uncover compelling insights and foster a shared experience.

  • Industry Luminaries

  • Directors of Public Corporate Boards

  • C-suite Executives

  • Catalyst Leaders

  • Creatives and Artists

On May 14th-15th, we will gather the entire Samudra ecosystem to prognosticate, debate, and co-create a sustainable path forward by Supercharging the Workforce. Our discussions will launch with an overview of the Samudra research and framing of the critical debate themes across our two-day agenda. The topics include governance models that best support organizational resilience, leadership skills needed for the next decade, the impact of AI and automation on the workforce, how we can implement diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and ESG programs to best effect, how we might reimagine the learning organization, and more. 


Interested in attending? Contact us.

Day 1 / Virtual - May 14, 2024 (Noon - 3pm ET)

Day 2 / Virtual - May 15, 2024 (Noon - 3pm ET)

Interactive Panelist Sessions & Member Breakouts


The Sweet Spot: Innovations for Sustainable Growth - an investigation into where members are investing, even during times of possible economic contraction, in order to sustain growth and remain competitive.

Forcing Functions: Achieving ‘Sustainable Adaptation’ - methods and approaches for members to not just activate - but sustain - a high degree of transformational ability within their enterprises.

The Ties That Bind: Part I - ideas for how to organize and manage a more geographically distributed and disconnected workplace.

The Far Side of Complexity: Leveraging Business Ecosystems - an exploration of the growing importance of developing and participating in business ecosystems, which often operate under different principles than traditional supplier partnerships.

The Ties That Bind: Part II - ideas for how to organize and manage a more geographically distributed and disconnected workplace.